Bookmark Us
This page is specially designed to help
you locate the New Stuff that has been put up. Also check this page out for any
Announcements about contests, awards etc.
Inter-house activities have started! For
more information visit your common rooms.
- We have finally launched the v.2 of our site.
We hope you like this. This site is among the first 5 DA's to be launched on
the net.
- We are currently accepting submissions for
teachers, board moderators. For more info. Visit our Job
Listings Page.
- There is a new discussion community, that has been established with the help
of Ron! Visit it here!
- Our J.K. Rowling Award Winner for this month
is 'James and Lily Potter' By:- Linda Lupos, Check it out here.
- Our online Library will be here soon!
What's New
- We now have your Common Rooms Ready! We also have some
Lessons and Assignments Ready!
- We have finally launched the new version of
The Great Hall. Please update you Bookmarks and links. You can Bookmark this
site through the link on the top of this page.
- As you must have noticed, our site now has a
new look! For those who don't know, our site at first had a colourful
background, with black text. I feel that this combination is much more user
friendly! What do you say?
- The 'News and
Updates' is updated almost daily.
Now as it has been taken over by Lee it may be a bit delayed as Hermione is
now working on the Library along with Madam Pince.
- We are constantly accepting submissions for
content. So if you want to see something on this website please tell us
about it through the "@" symbol at the top.
We Now present to
you Our Interactive Hogwarts!
Have you always wanted to go to
Hogwarts? Have you wished to teach there? Have you ever wanted to have Hogwarts
Lessons as in the Harry Potter Books? Did you ever want to do the Homework given
in Hogwarts? (There are muggles like Hermione too, remember). Have you ever
wanted to visit the Common Rooms of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and
Slytherin? Have you ever wanted to get Sorted in to these Houses? Have you
ever wished to join the DA and fight against Umbridge?
If you have you Have
come to the Right Place! We have built an Interactive and Live Hogwarts here at
the Great Hall. We have built in House Common Rooms, Lessons and many other
things for you right here! So better Hurry because the admissions are open.
Visit Prof. Mcgonagall to Get Sorted!