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Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I'm professor Mcgonagall.

As there are not many students at Hogwarts currently who do their work properly we leave it on you to decide the house you wished to be placed in. So when you have decided the house you wish to go in send us an owl below!

  Unlike many other HP Fan sites, we want to keep our hogwarts interactive as real as possible that is why you can get sorted into only one house and once only. That is another reason for letting you choose your own house as you have to put in your effort to bring up its positions among the other houses (Harry does it all year). 

   After getting Sorted you can take part in various House Activities, take Lessons, Submit Assignment, Homework have an access to various other things like Hogwarts maps etc. You can also join the D.A. only after getting sorted.

To be sorted please send us an e-mail with the following stuff:

Please provide your account information:
User Name
Confirm Password

(Your password shall be used to identify you incase you forget the House Password we provide you with. This is to prevent people from one house entering into another.)

Please provide the following information:

First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Sex Male  Female


Which House do you wish to be sorted into?


Would you like to join the DA ? (Note: This is not the form for joining the DA. The members of the DA are chosen on the basis of how they perform in the Lessons)

What do you think of this site ?

Please note that all the applications sent here shall be attended to. We shall reply back to you as soon as possible (usually with 1 day or at the most 2 days) but we request you, please do not send in e-mails to the staff before the completion of this period of time to ask them about the results of your entry.
Revised: September 24, 2003