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Here is the chance to prove your
knowledge with this HP Quiz.
Q.1 Who is the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team?
Q.2 Name one ingredient used for making a sleeping draught?
Q.3 What was the password of the Slytherin common room in Harry's second
Q.4 What would you get by adding powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of
Q.5 Where would you find a bezoar?
Q.6 How many Sickles make a Galleon?
Q.7 How many knuts make a Sickle?
Q.8 In the Gringotts wizards bank which Vault belongs to Harry?
Q.9 What was the name of the centaur who rescued Harry from the creature
drinking unicorn blood?
Q.10 Name any ten present Griffindor students?
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