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About Us

Real Name: Lavender
D.A. Nickname: Hermione Granger
Position: Headmistress
Hobbies: Reading Harry Potter, Drawing, Reading mails of HP Fans.
Favouraite Harry Potter Character: Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred and George.
Age: 13
Contact: Email (Any problems that you may have, you can ask them here)


Real Name: Andrea Wilson
D.A. Nickname: Ron Weasley
Position: Deputy Headmaster
Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Playing.
Favouraite Harry Potter Character: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Ginny.
Age: 14
Contact: E-mail (Any other stuff like page not working, or if you see that some student is misbehaving report it here. Any other things can also be sent here.)


Real Name: Nathen Hansen
 D.A. Nickname: George Weasley
 Position: Transfiguration Teacher, Head of Griffindor.
Contact: E-mail



Real Name: Tina
D.A. Nickname: Professor Parvati Patil
Position: Divination Teacher.
Contact: E-mail



Real Name: Danni
D.A. Nickname: Terry Boot
Position: Graphic Designer
Contact: Web Site



Headmistress' Message:

I'm very thankful to my mother and father, who let me work on my site continuously, sometimes even for 8-10 hours together. I hope you all like the results. I'm very thankful to my friend Andrea who supported me but only in creating this site but in many other things too.


Fan Fiction Award Winner :Linda Lupos